Roses in the Round
Roses in the Round

encaustic & oil stick, 16” round panel, $750. The Gallery/Art Placement

I Feel So Alive
I Feel So Alive

encaustic & oil stick on 16” x 32” cradled panel, $1275. The Gallery/Art Placement

Madly, Deeply
Madly, Deeply

encaustic, oil stick & metallic powder on cradled panel, 16” round, $750. The Gallery/Art Placement

Posies and Shadows I
Posies and Shadows I

Oil on canvas, 12” x 12”, $420. Contact Artist

Roses in the Round
I Feel So Alive
Madly, Deeply
Posies and Shadows I
Roses in the Round

encaustic & oil stick, 16” round panel, $750. The Gallery/Art Placement

I Feel So Alive

encaustic & oil stick on 16” x 32” cradled panel, $1275. The Gallery/Art Placement

Madly, Deeply

encaustic, oil stick & metallic powder on cradled panel, 16” round, $750. The Gallery/Art Placement

Posies and Shadows I

Oil on canvas, 12” x 12”, $420. Contact Artist

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